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Training Manuals

Monitoring Implementation of the African Peer Review Mechanism: A Civil Society How–To Guide

This ‘how-to guide’ is intended to assist civil society organisations (CSOs) in plotting and executing a strategy to monitor the implementation of the National Programmes of Action (NPoAs) that emerge from the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) in their countries. (by Yarik Turianskyi)


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Engaging with the Media on APRM Issues: A Civil Society How–To Guide (2013)

Written by SAIIA researcher Nicole Beardsworth, assisted participants in looking at ways of improving coverage of the APRM in the media, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The guide offers practical advice on engaging the media effectively, to increase reporting on the APRM and the governance issues identified in its reports. It also explains how to utilise press releases, media alerts, opinion articles and social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, to achieve this. Useful tips for drafting a media strategy and preparing for an interview are provided throughout. (by Nicole Beardsworth, SAIIA)

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Understanding APRM Research: Planning, Process, and Politics. A Practical Handbook for Peer Review Research (2008)

This practical handbook - designed primarily for technical research institutes, but of value to anyone involved in any capacity – provides sensible advice in easy-to-digest form. It works its way chronologically through the process, identifying the difficulties experienced by previous participants, advising on international benchmarks and best practice and anticipating problems such as deadlines and methodology. (by George Katito, SAIIA)

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Planning an Effective Peer Review: A Guidebook for National Focal Points

This handbook is intended to aim national focal points in planning and conducting a succesfull APRM process.

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Influencing the APRM-A Guide for Civil Society (2007)

Contains an explanation of the process and proposes strategies for civil society influence in the APRM process (by Ross Herbert)

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