Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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Namibia / Namibie


Country facts

Date of accession to the APRM January 2017
Review status Has not undergone the review yet
Country Review Report publication date  
NPoA status  

Faits de Pays

Date d'accession au MAEP Janvier 2017
Statut de l’évaluation N'a pas encore fait l'objet d'une évaluation
Date de publication du Rapport d’évaluation national  
Statut du PAN  


Committing to Improved Governance 

Namibia recently joined the African Peer Review Mechanism, a process by which African countries agree to be evaluated by their neighbours with the goal of improving governance on the continent. In the words of the paper, 

This short guide is aimed at Namibian civil society, parliament and policymakers, to explain how the APRM arose and was conceptualised, what it is and what it entails for the country. It will outline what Namibia can expect from the APRM process, and what is required to undertake a successful, inclusive and meaningful review. It also suggests further reading material to learn more about the APRM

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